This article presents an analysis of the results of archaeological study of the Imashirozuka burial mound located in Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture, the Japanese Archipelago. Archaeological excavations at the site have been performed by the trench method. During the excavations, mounds of the tomb, sections of the ditch and the earth bank were partially investigated. The section where the haniwa sculptural group is located has been studied in full. Presently, the largest group of haniwa known in the territory of the Japanese islands was found there. The results of the excavations make it possible to reveal the main characteristics of the elements of the burial complex, and to obtain new data on the methods of construction of the burials for the leaders at the later stages of the Kofun period. The article considers reconstruction of the technology for the construction of large burial mounds. The results of the study of the artifacts and methods of reconstruction of the grave goods are provided. The burial mound was partly destroyed due to tomb raiding in antiquity, so only fragments of grave goods were found in the area of the round mound. The Japanese archaeologists, using complex research methods and materials from the similar sites, were able to determine the composition of the funerary equipment, which included horse equipment, weapons, armor, and jewelry. The theory of the Imashirozuka mound as a burial place of the Emperor Keitai is offered for consideration and some controversial points of the theory are highlighted. The Japanese archaeologists present important arguments for the recognition of Imashirozuka as an Imperial burial.
Japanese archipelago, Kofun period, burial mound, Emperor Keitai, burial
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