One of the means to preserve and study cultural heritage objects is aerial photography by unmanned aircrafts combined with a complex of photogrammetric techniques. The article provides data on 3D-modeling of the territories of various archaeological heritage objects located in the Ural and Siberian federal districts of the Russian Federation. The main goals of photogrammetry are visualization of the state of areas with such objects, analysis of relief elements of the modern surface, and documentation of archaeological excavations. The article concisely describes the chaine operatoire — operational and production chains of actions during archaeological field work — inspection and excavation and briefly describes the scientific results of photogrammetric work at the surveyed archaeological sites. In addition, the main disadvantages of the photogrammetry technique when using images taken by unmanned aircraft caused by the imperfections of the software and at times the unsatisfactory results of aerial photography are presented. With the help of three-dimensional modeling, we can create a visual 3D image of the territory of an archaeological site. Photogrammetry data were used in practice, both during field work (monitoring the technical condition of archaeological objects, determining the spatial characteristics of relief elements on the site), and in the process of writing various scientific reports (correcting elements of the topographic plan, planning measures to ensure the preservation of archaeological heritage objects; keeping records of a dig site and its sections, stratigraphic and planigraphic profiles, constructions, structures, etc.). The development of 3D-modeling technologies contributes to obtaining more precise information about the objects under study; currently it is one of the most reliable and simple ways to visualize cultural heritage objects.
archaeological heritage object, photogrammetry, polygonal model, orthophotoplane, unmanned aircraft
Vasilyeva Yu.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Dudko А.А.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
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