The article analyzes the process of formation of the concept of “intangible cultural heritage” in the Republic of Altai. Based on the consideration of legislative acts, mass media materials, documents of cultural institutions, the idea of this phenomenon in the public discourse of the region is considered. It is shown that intangible cultural heritage has a constructed character. The corpus of cultural practices depends on the level of the state structure. Thus, the lists prepared by specialists of the federal institution differ from the register formed in the republic. It is determined that the model of inheritance regimes of the states of Far East has become popular in the Republic of Altai, where intangible heritage, preservation and transfer of knowledge and skills, mastery are among the central patrimonial events. Discrepancies in international and republican approaches to intangible heritage are revealed. In Altai, the list of objects is approved by official structures, the criteria for selection are the affiliation of the practice to an ethnic group, its antiquity, authenticity. There is also a ranking of practices, some of which are designated as the most valuable. However, following the ideas presented in international documents, the right of the ethnic group itself to determine the list of intangible cultural heritage is indicated, transformation of some cultural practices under the influence of social factors is allowed. It is concluded that the objects of intangible cultural heritage are the basis for the cultural memory and ethnic identity of modern Altaians. They are designed to preserve the continuity of generations, to preserve social and cultural values and meanings for posterity. Cultural practices that have been approved by the governmental agencies and supported by official programs are significant markers for the community.
ethnic identity, cultural memory, intangible cultural heritage, symbols
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