During the early metal period (10th century BC-3rd century AD), burials in stone structures such as dolmens and stone cists became widespread in Korea and Japan. Burials in stone cists represent a unique and poorly studied theme of the burial culture of the ancient population of these regions. The purpose of this work is a comprehensive analysis of the funeral rite of burials in stone cists in South Korea and Japan. The basic site for the study of burials in stone cists in the territory of Korea is Daepyeongri near Jinju city. Similar burials in stone cists are also noted at the sites of Jouno, Yoshinogari, and Doigahama in Western Japan. The study of the funeral rite of burials in stone cists at these sites revealed the identity of the construction and some features of the funeral rite of these structures. Stone cists are sub-rectangular in the plan built of stone slabs placed on the edge, also with stone slabs on the floor and as overlaps. The dimensions of the cists generally correspond to the height of the buried persons. Burials contained therein were performed, in most cases, according to the rite of the corpse placement on the back. The buried persons lie with their head to the south or east, their arms and legs bent. There is no clear differentiation in the grave goods between male and female burials. It is assumed that a single case of partial burial in Korea is associated with contacts with neighboring Japan. Some features of burial rites may indicate special social status of the buried person: the use of cinnabar, picturesque images on grave ceilings. The presence of the children’s burials in the stone cists in both Korea and Japan refutes the persistent opinion that children were buried only in ceramic urn pots and indicates that social status of some children was equal to the adult members of society at that time.
Korea, Japan, early metal period, burial, stone cist, burial rite, human remains
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