The article discusses the phenomenon of knowledge in Siberia in the 17th century, viewed in broad social context, together with its evolutionary and historical aspects. Literacy, scholarship, understanding, enlightenment, skills, experiences, proficiencies, adeptness - levels of empirical skill sets - are analyzed along with knowledge as social consciousness. Due to succinct nature of historical sources, the methodology of semiotic discourse modeling is applied. Social groups other than serving class are examined as a model element of social structure. It has been shown that active social and economic development of Siberia required knowledge, primarily consisting of basic literacy, from the participants of colonization. Along with “administrators” appointed by the government to the entourage of provincial governors, many townspeople gradually acquired literacy. The Church was the starting point for the spread of literacy. The clergy initiated the import of books from the mainland to Siberia. Archival records have preserved rich documentary evidence on accumulation of knowledge among the population of Siberia which at that time had been inhabited by a very few Russians. Signs and symbols confirming this situation appear in various sources. Literate colonists in Siberia could be found among the most diverse social strata of the population since the very beginning of the development of the Transural region by the Russian state. Despite difficult living conditions within not yet developed space of Siberia, many of its inhabitants tried to give elementary primary education to their children. The central Moscow authorities actively supported Siberian clergy - the main driver of introducing the settlers to elementary knowledge. Anticipating rapid development of Siberian region, the Moscow government encouraged any initiatives aimed at development of empirical knowledge. It is concluded that specific knowledge of Russian settlers in Siberia emerged at the crossroads of literary and oral experience. This long process began to bear fruit by the early 18th century.
colonists, knowledge, literacy, pioneers, Russian, Siberia, sign, symbol
Lutsidarskaya A.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
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