The article is a historical overview of ethnic and cultural associations of Kazakhs living in rural areas of Omsk Region. Kazakhs are the second ethnic group in Omsk Region after the Russians. Kazakh ethnic and cultural associations are the most important centers for preserving Kazakh culture and language in villages and auls in Tavrichesky, Odessky, and Isilkulsky Districts, where the Kazakh population of the region lives compactly. Tavrichesky District pioneered the revival of Kazakh culture in Omsk Region. The article describes the history of emergence and main activities of Kazakh ethnic and cultural associations, such as “Dostyk” (“Friendship”) Center for Kazakh culture in the village of Tavrichesky, “Zamandastar” (“Contemporaries”) group for Kazakh ethnic arts in the village of Odesskoe, and “Bolashak” (“Future”) Center of Kazakh culture in Isilkul District. Specific features of each of these ethnic and cultural associations are compared with others; creative groups originating the revival of Kazakh culture in Omsk Region and becoming the basis for institutionalization of Kazakh ethnic movement are described. Main district, regional, and interregional events (inter-ethnic and Kazakh) involving Kazakh ethnic and cultural associations are mentioned. The article also pays considerable attention to the leaders of ethnic and cultural associations, who play a crucial role in preserving Kazakh culture and language. It is concluded that there are good prospects for Kazakh ethnic movement in Omsk Region, although preservation of Kazakh culture and language in rural areas is more productive compared to the regional center due to compact residence of Kazakh population.
Kazakhs, Omsk Region, ethnic and cultural associations, Kazakh culture, Kazakh language
Ilina A.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
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