The article analyzes ethnic social and political processes among the indigenous population from the foothills of the Northern Altai using the example of the ail and village of Pilno. The study used the data of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 1917. The inclusion of the foothills of the Northern Altai in the Russian Empire in the early 17th century did not change the life of the indigenous population. Reforms began in the early 19th century. At this time, the development of the region became possible, and legislative and administrative transformations began. On the one hand, they were aimed at protecting the indigenous population from migrant population. On the other hand, changes laid the foundations for gradual integration. The main tool of integration was the Altai Spiritual Mission created in 1828. Missionaries would resettle the migrants and the newly baptized among the indigenous population, create missionary settlements, open schools, and recruit the best indigenous students. These measures led to dramatic transformations in the life of the indigenous population, including the changed nature of settlement, economy, self-identification, and anthroponymy, growth of interethnic ties, spread of Orthodoxy, and involvement in commodity-money relations. In the early 20th century, there were two ways of integrating the indigenous population into the social structure of the Russian Empire. In the first case, the population would keep their traditional way of life (names, beliefs, etc.) and gradually borrow individual elements from the settlers. Such population lived in monoethnic and remote settlements. In the second case, the majority of the indigenous population became actively integrated and lost their traditions, living in large settlements together with migrants.
indigenous people, integration, Altai, Pilno, Altai Spiritual Mission
Nikolaev V.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
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