Based on the recent field materials, the author describes meet food significance in the diet of the Tatar population of the Bolsherechensky and Sedelnikovsky Districts of the Omsk Region. The work describes the dishes of meat by-products and meat that can be regarded as ethnocultural characteristics of the Tatar diet in this region. During the expedition of 2018, we also managed to identify local traits in meat food associated with the descendants of the Volga-Ural Tatars. The author concludes on the sustainability of the tradition of cooking meals from meat by-product and meat sausages and complex dishes. Preservation of by-products and meat is carried out by traditional methods - salting and dry-curing, and new technical means are also used.
food, meat, local traditions, modernity, sustainability, Omsk region
Tikhomirova M.N.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
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