The article presents new data about painted rock-art sites at the Zuojiang (Left River) valley in Guangxi-Zhuang autonomous region (PRC), that were collected during investigation fulfilled by article's authors in October of 2018. The paintings that were known from ancient times were mostly studied in the second half of the 20th century and dated on the basis of parallels between historic realities depicted on rocks with the artifacts from excavations. Most of the paintings were dated to the range from 5th century BC to 2nd century AD. In 2013, the whole rock-art site, including 38 loci, was included into the UNESCO World Heritage list. The authors of this article have studied one of these local sites. As a result, we collected the data about dispersal, style and subjects of rock images as well as knowledge of methods of investigations, principles ofinterpretation and a system of monuments' protection. At the meeting with Chinese colleagues, the perspectives of further investigation connected with new techniques of dating of the pained images were discussed.
petrogliphs, rock-paintings, Zuojiang (Left) River valley, cultural heritage, UNESCO list
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