The article describes the archaeological materials from the Early Paleolithic Generalov site. The site is located on the right bank of the Chuna River, 7.5 km east of the village of Oktyabrsky in Krasnoyarsk Province. Archaeological material was mainly collected on the pebble beach and occasionally in a trench at the depth of about 5 m under the Late Pleistocene sediments. The collection totals to 68 artifacts made of homogeneous pebble-boulder material. Almost all artifacts demonstrate a strong degree of corrasion. This collection demonstrates a typical Early Paleolithic tool kit including various side-scrapers, choppers and cores with an unprepared flaking surface and platform. The presence in the industry of primitive pebble side-scrapers and choppers with a prepared pointed end is one of the characteristic features of the Early Paleolithic industries.
Chuna, Early Paleolithic, redeposition, choppers, scrapers
Rogovskoi E.O.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Berdnikova N.E., Rogovskoi E.O., Berdnikov I.M., Lipnina E.A., Lokhov D.N., Dudarek S.P., Sokolova N.B., Timoshchenko A.A., Popov A.A., Kharlamova N.V. Stoyanka im. Generalova (r. Chuna). Rezul’taty okhranno-spasatel’nykh rabot 2013 goda. Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser.: Geoarkheologiya. Etnologiya. Antropologiya, 2014, vol. 7, pp. 150-191 (in Russ).
Derevianko A.P. Tri global’nye migratsii cheloveka v Evrazii. Novosibirsk: IAET SB RAS Publ., 2017, vol. II, 884 p. (in Russ).
Список литературы
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