The article considers the materials of the excavations of the early Neolithic burial ground of Changhang in 2010-2011. The site is located on the island of Kadogdo in the southeast of the Korean Peninsula. The Changhang burial ground yielded unique materials on the early Neolithic mortuary practices in Korea. The burials were made on the ancient surface and probably had a surface construction in the form of a roof or mound made of rock fragments, ceramics and mollusk shells. The flexed position of the dead was most typical. Anthropological material shows that mainly adolescent and adult individuals of both sexes were buried at the burial ground. The Changhang site is unique among the Neolithic burials of the Korean peninsula in its abundant archaeological materials and information. Further analysis of the available archaeological data will make it possible to clarify many topical issues related to the structure of society, the economic and spiritual life of the Korean population in the early Neolithic period.
Korean Peninsula, early Neolithic age, burial ground, burial, mortuary practices
Nesterkina A.L.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
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