The study of the multilayered site of Tolbor-4 in Northern Mongolia was resumed in 2017. The works were aimed at clarifying the stratigraphy of the site using the methods of micromorphology, as well as a new cycle of radiocarbon and OSL-dating. The exposed stratigraphic profile consisted of six lithological layers. One unit comprising layers 1-4 contained the complexes of the Late Upper Paleolithic. Layer 5 revealed the industries of the Initial and Early Upper Paleolithic. Two ostrich (Struthio) eggshell beads were found in layer 3. It was established that layer 4 underwent significant impact of solifluctional processes, and layer 5 was accumulated under much more stable depositional conditions.
Upper Paleolithic, Mongolia, stratigraphy, chronology
Rybin E.P.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Altai State University
Khatsenovich A.M.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Altai State University
Gunchinsuren B.
Institute of History and Archaeology MAS
Paine С.
University of Cambridge, UK
Bolorbat Ts.
Institute of History and Archaeology MAS
Odsuren D.
Institute of History and Archaeology MAS
Zwyns N.
University of California, USA
Lkhundev G.
Institute of History and Archaeology MAS
Margad-Erdene G.
Institute of History and Archaeology MAS
Derevianko A.P., Rybin E.P., Gladyshev S.A., Gunchinsuren B., Tsybankov A.A., Olsen J. Early Upper Paleolithic Stone Tool Technologies of Northern Mongolia: The Case of Tolbor-4 and Tolbor-15. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, 2013, No. 41 (4), pp. 21-37.
Derevianko A.P., Zenin A.N., Rybin E.P., Gladyshev S.A., Tsybankov A.A. Razvitie kamennyh industrij verhnego paleolita Severnoj Mongolii (po dannym stojanki Tolbor). In Chelovek i prostranstvo v kul’turah kamennogo veka Evrazii. Novosibirsk: IAET SB RAS Publ., 2006, pp. 17-42 (in Russ).
Rybin E.P., Gladyshev S.A., Tsybankov A.A. Voznikno-venie i razvitie «otshepovyh» industrij rannej pory verhnego paleolita Severnoj Mongolii. In Severnaja Evrazija v antropogene: chelovek, paleotehnologii, geoekologija, etnologija i antropologia. Irkutsk: Ottisk, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 137-153 (in Russ).
Список литературы
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Деревянко А.П., Рыбин Е.П., Гладышев С.А., Гун-чинсурэн Б., Цыбанков А. А., Олсен Д. Развитие технологических традиций изготовления орудий в каменных индустриях раннего этапа верхнего палеолита Северной Монголии (по материалам стоянок Толбор-4 и -15) // Археология, этнография и антропология Евразии. - 2013. -№ 4 (56). - С. 21-37.
Рыбин Е.П., Гладышев С. А., Цыбанков А. А. Возникновение и развитие «отщеповых» индустрий ранней поры верхнего палеолита Северной Монголии // Северная Евразия в антропогене: человек, палеотехнологии, геоэкология, этнология и антропология. - Иркутск: Оттиск, 2007. - Т. 2. - С. 137-153.