Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of
Siberia and Neighboring Territories

ISSN 2658-6193 (Online)

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2020 Volume XXVI

DOI: 10.17746/2658-6193.2020.26.779-784

УДК 39+004

Ethnographic Research of Material Culture: Current Methods of Recording and Prototype Designing Based on the Example of Architectural Details and Elements

Mainicheva A.Yu., Radzyukevich A.V., Yezhov A.O.

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For the first time, the article describes the methods of recording objects and prototype designing in ethnographic research using the example of small architectural details of various types (volumetric, extended with deep relief, small sized with openwork carving). After laser scanning and photogrammetry, “point clouds” and orthophotoplans were obtained, and prototypes were built using a numerical control machine. It has been shown that the criteria for choosing a particular research method include research goals and objectives, physical features of the objects under study, availability of appropriate equipment and skills of operators, and easy use of equipment and software by individual scholars or small groups, which makes it possible to take into account specific aspects of including the methods into a field ethnographic research. It is reasonable to use laser scanning for working with volumetric objects, and photogrammetry for extended flat objects with details of small depth. At the preparatory stage, one needs to ensure availability of equipment and employees with the required skill set. The use of a scanner is mandatory for working with utensils, furniture, objects of religious worship, etc. Since ethnographic research involves a significant number of buildings, structures, and other objects of material culture in one field season, special devices are required for storing large amount of data. It is concluded that the advantage of information technology is reliable recording of shapes, sizes, colors, textures, and other objective features of the objects. Scanning and photogrammetry show the location, shape, and type of loss, accurately conveying all features, and ensure the relevance of the collection, storage, and further use of data, including the work at the stage of lab processing.


ethnography, digital technologies, recording methods, prototyping, orthophotoplan, point cloud

Chief Editor
Academician A.P. Derevyanko

Deputy Chief Editor
Academician V.I. Molodin

17, Аkademika Lavrentieva prosp., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editorial Board
17, Ac. Lavrentieva ave, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia
Tel.: 8 (383) 330-22-80