The population inhabiting the territory ofmodern China in the Neolithic (primarily the east of the Central Plain and areas to the south of it) left some rock art which might have been created under the influence of agricultural cults which included ritual sacrifices. This article describes and analyzes the petroglyphic sites containing the imagery which can be associated with agricultural cults, such as petroglyphs of Jiangjunya in Lianyungang City in Jiangsu Province, Renmudong in Rutog (Ritu) County in Ngari Prefecture in Tibet, Huashan in Ninming County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and other sacrificial places in China. Some of the compositions might have depicted the spirits whom the sacrifices were offered, and people performing the ritual. The article investigates representations of sacrificing domestic animals and human sacrifices. The petroglyphs also show the accompanying equipment, for example, vessels, drums, and masks, which played an important role in rituals. For interpreting the rituals represented, the authors also used ethnographic evidence as auxiliary sources, since, firstly, China is one of the centers of sedentary agriculture, and secondly, ethnic minorities of China still preserve some early features in their agricultural practices. Ritual slaughtering of livestock and poultry is still common among small ethnic groups living in China. Ancient human sacrifices are reflected in the symbolic elements of modern rituals and celebrations.
Jiangjunya, petroglyphs, rice cultivation, sacrifice, agricultural rituals, Southeast China
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