The article provides the results of archaeological exploration carried out in the middle part of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir in 2020. During the work, sections of the coastline with a total length of about 140 km were surveyed. On the right bank, the survey route ran from Anash Bay to Bellyk Bay. Four locations and one site have been found in this territory. The materials of the Anash location positioned in the estuarine area of the bay of the same name are of the most interest. The appearance of the artifacts and the presence of destroyed structures made of stone slabs suggest that artifacts belong to two complexes, one of them is associated with destroyed mounds of the Tagar culture, and the second represents the remains of a destroyed Upper Paleolithic site. Two sites with the Upper Paleolithic artifacts were found in Byskar Bay. In the same bay, in a stratified position, artifacts dating back to the Early Iron Age to Middle Ages were recorded. Along the left bank, in the area from Chernaya Rechka Bay to Koksa Bay, four locations and two sites were surveyed. Both open sites belong to Upper Paleolithic, the site of Sabanikha 3 to its early stage, and the site of Sidorikha to its final stage. An expressive collection of artifacts was obtained from the Sidorikha site: cores for large blades and flakes, a microcore, end and side scrapers on flakes and blades, and a burin. In the coastal outcrop, three test pits were made; in two of them, artifacts were found in situ. The appearance of the artifacts and their stratigraphic position makes it possible to tentatively assign the Sidorikha site to the Kokorevo culture. The fieldworks in 2020 showed that, despite the long-term process of erosion of the banks, the sites located in the coastal zone of the reservoir have not been completely destroyed and need to be studied as soon as possible.
Upper Paleolithic, Middle Yenisei basin, Krasnoyarsk reservoir, Kokorevo culture
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