In the summer of 2019, the team from the IAE of the SB RAS conducted rescue archaeological works to ensure the safety of the “Borodino. Stoyanka Borodinsky Razrez” site in Rybinsky District of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The site was discovered by Y.A. Grevtsov in 2016. It has been established that archaeological evidence occurred on a flattened terrace-like section of the ancient surface, stretched from the northwest to the southeast. Lithic artifacts were found in the base of lithological layer 3, which can be chronologically correlated with the Kokorev-Taimyr interstadial of the Middle Yenisei and dated to the 12,000-10,500 BP. The lithic industry included narrow-faced and flat-faced cores, end-scrapers, retouched flakes and blades, knife-like tool, chisel-like tools, and a point. Local argillites were the main source of raw materials processed at the site. Pre-made tools made of flint were brought to the site from elsewhere. The industry shows a number of features typical of the Terminal Upper Paleolithic, such as utilization of pointed unifaces and massive retouched blades. On the other hand it has a number of specific features, in particular the technique of diagonal removals at an angle to the knapping axis along the flaking surface, which is observed on the cores and on a number of tools. As a result of expedition works, the total excavated area reached 5750 m2. It has been established that “Borodino. Stoyanka Borodinsky Razrez” is a single-layered archaeological site of the Terminal Upper Paleolithic. According to the assemblage of lithic artifacts and abundance of animal bones, the object can be described as a short-term hunter camp.
Krasnoyarsk Krai, Kansk-Rybinsk Depression, excavations, Barga River, Paleolithic
Timoshchenko A.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Kravtsova A.S.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Belan O.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Generalov A.G. Pozdniy paleolit - ranniy mezolit Kansko-Eniseyskogo regiona: dr. sc. (history) dissertation. Irkutsk, 2001, 418 p. (in Russ.).
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Список литературы
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