Contemporary economic life of rural population is an important topic of ethnographic research, since economic activities constitute the basis for the entire life support of this population. The article presents new field evidence on traditional economic life of the Tatars living in the village of Bolshemurly in the late 20th - early 21st century, and establishes the general and local features of their economy. The main part of the article analyzes the Ganges in private household economy (vegetable gardening and cattle breeding) and describes the situation in fishing and gathering. It has been established that most of the village inhabitants practice vegetable gardening; about a half of the households breed livestock, while fishing and gathering serve as auxiliary means of life support. Economic development of the territory around the settlement covers the left bank river terrace andfloodplain of the Irtysh River in a radius up to 6-7 km. Some changes have been observed in economic activities of the inhabitants of Bolshemurly, which have also been found in other Tatar settlements in Omsk Region. These changes involve reduced area for growing potatoes, since they ceased to be cultivated for commercial purposes, cattle grazing without shepherds, decreased number of dairy cows and milk production, and regeneration of the fish stock in lakes, associated with abundant seasonal floods in Omsk Region. However, for the same reason, traditional grasslands have been abandoned. Specific local features in economic activities of the Tatars living in of the village of Bolshemurly have been identified. They include the preservation of traditional fishing techniques, and predominance of gathering berries and mushrooms growing around the settlement.
economic activities, subsidiary farming, fishing, gathering, changes, Tatars, Omsk Region
Tikhomirova M.N.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Atlas Omskoi oblasti. Omsk: Om. kartograf. fabrika, 1996, 59 p. (in Russ.)
Seleznev A.G., Selezneva I.A., Bel’gibaev E.A. Mir taezhnykh kul’tur yuga Sibiri (traditsionnoe khozyaistvo i soputstvuyushchie komponenty zhiznedeyatel’nosti). Omsk: Izdatel’skiy dom “Nauka”, 2006, 260 p. (in Russ.).
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