The article discusses advantages and disadvantages of using laser scanning and photogrammetry in ethnographic studies. These techniques make it possible to receive information about the structure and process the data obtained with the help of laser scanner and camera for subsequent representation of the data in the form of a 3D model or set of drawings. Even though both methods deal with digital description of the structure in the form of a point cloud, each of them has its own features, which poses the problem of choosing between them. The comparison is based on the materials of field work carried out in the summer of 2019 in the Historical and Architectural Museum of the IAET SB RAS. Techniques adapted to ethnographic structures have been elaborated for the first time. Photogrammetry is sufficient for faster inspection of the structure, monitoring and evaluating the condition of the facades, reporting, creating drawings of the facades and visual demonstration of the object, since it is more affordable and technically simpler. The disadvantages of that method involve serious dependence on weather conditions making laser scanning preferable. Both methods are limited by such natural conditions as distortion of structure’s shapes with snow cover or tree foliage. Laser scanning is more convenient for creating drawings of measurements and 3D models. The study has shown that it is advisable to combine both methods for obtaining more complete and reliable information on the structure.
ethnography, technique, laser scanning, photogrammetry, “point cloud”
Mainicheva A.Yu.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Novosibirsk State University
Gruzdeva E.A.
Novosibirsk State University
Orlova E.Y.
Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art)
Radzyukevich A.V.
Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
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