Until today, the northwest of China remains a blank spot for Russian archaeologists. Materials from this part of the China have been published in Russia relatively rarely, often due to language difficulties. In this article, the authors discuss some aspects of material and spiritual culture of the early nomads who left the archaeological sites at the border of Gansu and Ningxia. The Scythoid Yanlan culture of the 6th-3rd centuries BC belongs to a number of sufficiently well-studied and important ethnic and cultural entities of the Northern China (Zhong Kan, Han Kunle, 1985; Wu En, 2004; Luo Feng etc., 1990; etc.) and shows clear similarities with the neighboring Maoqingou culture and to a lesser degree with the cultures of the Scytho-Siberian circle. The archaeological sites of the Yanglang culture were left by the nomads (although we cannot definitively deny the presence of other features in their economy) who for a long time successfully opposed the expansion of the neighboring Qin Kingdom. This indicates a high level of social organization manifested in a capacity to deploy a significant army. This supposition is confirmed by the Wangdahu burial ground (Pengyang County, Ningxia-Hui Automatous Region, 5-7 km to the southeast from the city of Guyuan) with the burials of chariot warriors. The Scythoid appearance of many elements of horse harness, weaponry, other equipment, and objects of art are of particular interest. The solution to this problem is not possible without publishing the evidence of the Yanglang culture, almost unknown in Russia. This article is a preliminary description of works initiated by the authors in this field.
Yanlan culture, early nomads, Northern China, Wandahu burial ground, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
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