Chagyrskaya Cave is a key site of the Sibiryachikha Facies of the Middle Paleolithic in the Altai Mountains. Field research at the site was continued in 2017. New and numerous assemblages of stone artifacts as well as paleontological and paleoanthropological materials were obtained in the culture-bearing layers of the cave, and new data on stratigraphy, sedimentology, and planigraphy of the Chagyrskaya Cave was obtained. The genesis of the culturally sterile layers and cultural-bearing layers was preliminary identified. New geological data concerning the lower cultural layers is supported by new spatial data. Numerous bone tools, such as retouchers, pressure tools, and billets are the unique finds for the regional Middle Paleolithic.
Paleolithic, Altai Mountains, Neanderthals, Sibiryachikha Facies, bone tools
Kolobova K.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Shnaider S.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Novosibirsk State University
Krajcarz M.Т.
Institute of Geological Sciences, Research Centre, Poland
Baumann M.
University of Bordeaux, PACEA UMR 5199, France
Markin S.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Alisher kyzy S.
Novosibirsk State University
Seletskiy M.V.
Novosibirsk State University
Zavgorodnyaya D.A.
Novosibirsk State University
Aladjem E.
Israel Antiquities Authority
Fedorchenko A.Yu.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Alekseev V.P. Osteometriya: metodika antropologi-cheskikh issledovanii. Moscow: Nauka, 1966, 249 p. (in Russ.).
Derevianko A.P., Markin S.V., Zykin V.S., Zykina V.S., Zazhigin V.S., Sizikova A.O., Solotchina E.P., Smolyaninova L.G., Antipov A.S. Chagyrskaya Cave: A Middle Paleolithic Site in the Altai. Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, 2013, No. 41, pp. 2-27.
Список литературы
Алексеев В.П. Остеометрия: методика антропологических исследований. - М.: Наука, 1966. - 249 с.
Деревянко А.П., Маркин В.С., Зыкин В.С., Зыкина В.С., Зажигин В.С., Сизикова А.О., Солотчина Э.П., Смолянинова Л.Г., Антипов А.С. Чагырская пещера - стоянка среднего палеолита Алтая // Археология, этнография и антропология Евразии. - 2013. -№ 1. - С. 2-27.