This study identifies the main features of the burial rite of the population living in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula during the Bronze Age using the evidence from excavations at the burial grounds of Hwangseok-ri, Jungdo, and Hari. Due to poor preservation of anthropological remains, only a small amount of materials is available. Burials were made in stone cists, which were a part of dolmens or were independent burial structures. The size of the cist where the body of the deceased was placed was comparable with the height of the individual buried inside. Almost all burials were individual inhumations. Most of the buried persons were placed on their backs in elongated position with some minor differences in the position of arms and legs. Personal adornments were a part of burial inventory in female burials. The assumption on the specific male categories of burial inventory has not been confirmed. Weaponry and hunting equipment - burial inventory associated with male activities - have also been found in female burials. Burial rituals of women and children demonstrate a number of distinctive features. The female burial at the Hari site stands out by its size and originality of burial inventory. The burial of a girl at the Jungdo island site was performed according to the rite of cremation. Differences in burial rite between male burials, and female and children’s burials can be explained by special position of women and children in the society of the Bronze Age in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Southern Korea, Bronze Age, burial, cist, burial rite
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