Based on the archival sources, this article intends to show the specific nature of the practice of land allocation in the Amur region in the framework of the regional agrarian colonization in the second half of the 19th-early 20th century. It was thought that in the new region, Cossacks and peasants would become the agents of the European agrarian tradition of land use based on shifting cultivation. However, natural and geographical factor led to a new strategy of economic development. In southern forest-steppe areas, settlers would receive large land plots where they would cultivate both cereals and vegetable crops borrowed from the Chinese and Koreans. Due to the lack of lands in the northern areas covered with forest and in the foothills of the Sikhote Alin Mountains, peasants were forced to turn to horticulture and use new technologies for increasing the productivity of their fields.
Amur region, Old Timers, new settlers, land allocation, land plot, left bank of the Amur, Chinese, cereals, vegetables
Maltseva O.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Maksimovich K.I. Rukopisi trudov. Svedenija ob Amurskom krae, 1861-1862, 18 p. In St. Petersburg branch archive RAS. F. 82. Op. 1. D. 21 (in Russ.).
Materialy po Dal’nemu Vostoku, 1913, 406 p. In St. Petersburg branch of RSHA. F. 391. Op. 5. D. 562 (in Russ.).
O khode rabot komandirovannoj po velichajshemu poveleniju Amurskoj jekspedicii, 1910-1912, 189 p. In St. Petersburg branch of the RSHA. F. 394. Op. 1. D. 28 (in Russ.).
O vyrabotke mer bor’by s zheltoj rasoj i dostavke russkih na Dal’nij Vostok, 1909-1916, 376 p. In St. Petersburg branch of RSHA. F. 394. Op. 1. D. 13 (in Russ.).
Osoboe soveshhanie po Amurskim delam, 1883, 226 p. In St. Petersburg branch of the RSHA. F. 1221. Op. 1. D.1 (in Russ.).
Po kolonizacii kraja, 1869, 168 p. In St. Petersburg branch of the RSHA. F. 1315. Op. 1. D. 5 (in Russ.).
Список литературы
Максимович К.И. Рукописи трудов. Сведения об Амурском крае, 1861-1862. - 18 л. // Санкт-Петербургский филиал архива РАН. Ф. 82. Оп. 1. Д. 21.
Материалы по Дальнему Востоку, 1913. - 406 л. // Санкт-Петербургское отделение РГИА. Ф. 391. Оп. 5. Д. 562.
О выработке мер борьбы с желтой расой и доставке русских на Дальний Восток, 1909-1916. - 376 л. // Санкт-Петербургское отделение РГИА. Ф. 394. Оп. 1. Д. 13.
О ходе работ командированной по величайшему повелению Амурской экспедиции, 1910-1912. - 189 л. // Санкт-Петербургское отделение РГИА. Ф. 394. Оп. 1. Д. 28.
Особое совещание по Амурским делам, 1883. -226 л. // Санкт-Петербургское отделение РГИА. Ф. 1221. Оп.1. Д.1.
По колонизации края, 1869. - 168 л. // Санкт-Петербургское отделение РГИА. Ф. 1315. Оп. 1. Д. 5