In 2017, a joint research team of IAET SB RAS and the Museums and Galleries of Podgorica (Montenegro) resumed archaeological studies at the rock shelter of Malisina Stijena in Montenegro. The site was previously examined by the Serbian archaeologists in the 1980s. New excavation profile has revealed eight depositional layers (A-F); four of them have yielded archaeological evidence. Finds from layer A indicate that the assemblage can be attributed to the Final Paleolithic. Distinctive forms typical of both Middle and Upper Paleolithic, occur among the artifacts associated with layers В2 and С1. The collection from layer С2 shows the features similar to the younger assemblages, but includes more Middle Paleolithic tool forms. In general, new materials confirm the presence of transitional assemblages at the site and make it possible to further study the cultural processes that occurred during the change of two archaeological eras in the Eastern Adriatic region.
Montenegro, rock shelter, stratigraphy, Upper Paleolithic, cores and tools
Derevianko A.P.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Shunkov M.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Novosibirsk State University
Bulatovich L.
Public Institution “Museums and galleries”, Podgorica, Montenegro
Anoykin А.А.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Novosibirsk State University
Pavlenok K.K.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Novosibirsk State University
Kozlikin M.B.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Ulianov V.A.
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Medenica I.
Public Institution “Museums and galleries”, Podgorica, Montenegro
Hedges R.E.M., Housley R.A., Brouk C.R., Van Klinken G.J. Radiocarbon dates from Oxford AMS System: archaeometry datalist 11. Archaeometry, 1990, No. 32 (2), pp. 213-214.
Malez M., Malez V., Paunovic M. Kvartarna fauna Malisine stijene u kanjonu Cehotine (SR Crna Gora). Naskrs, 1988, No. 14 (24-25), pp. 109-117.
Radovanovic I. Novija istrazivanja paleolita i mezolita u Cmoj Gori. Glasnik Srpskog arheoloskog drustva, 1986, No. 3, pp. 63-77.
Список литературы
Hedges R.E.M., Housley R.A., Brouk C.R., Van Klinken G.J. Radiocarbon dates from Oxford AMS System: archaeometry datalist 11 // Archaeometry. - 1990. - N 32 (2). - P. 213-214.
Malez M., Malez V., Paunovic M. Kvartarna fauna Malisine stijene u kanjonu Cehotine (SR Crna Gora) // Naskrs. - 1988. - N 14 (24-25). - P. 109-117.
Radovanovic I. Novija istrazivanja paleolita i mezolita u Cmoj Gori // Glasnik Srpskog arheoloskog drustva. - 1986. -N 3. - P. 63-77.