The burial ground of Tesinskly Zaliv-3 was discovered in 2012. The research at the site had not been carried for the last five years and some of the graves on the edge of the coastal terrace became destroyed. In 2017, the boundaries of the site were established, and 80 burial objects and a stone stele were found. A tamga-like figure is pecked on the lateral side of the stele. Magnetic survey has been conducted, and a map with local areas of anomalies has been compiled. Two excavation pits were made at the northwestern periphery of the burial ground. Excavation pit II revealed grave 1, at the bottom of which a wooden frame oriented along west-east was found. The burial had been disturbed in the past, and only a part of ceramic vessel and three hairpins carved of horn have been preserved.
left bank of the Yenisei, Hunno-Sarmatian period, Tashtyk culture, hairpins of horn
Mitko O.A.
Novosibirsk State University
Khudyakov Yu.S.
Novosibirsk State University
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Skobelev S.G.
Novosibirsk State University
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Poselyanin A.I.
Khakass State University
Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History
Polovnikov I.S.
Novosibirsk State University
Gotlib A.I. Spetsificheskiye cherty pogrebal’noy obryadnosti tashtykskogo gruntovogo mogil’nika Abakano-Perevoz. In Aktual’nye problemy istoricheskogo kraevedeniya v Sibiri. Abakan: Khakass State Univ. Press, 2008, pp. 40-45 (in Russ).
Vadetskaya E.B. Tashtykskaya epokha v drevney istorii Sibiri. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoye vostokovedeniye, 1999, 440 p. (in Russ).
Yevtyukhova L.A. Arkheologicheskiye pamyatniki yeniseyskikh kyrgyzov (khakasov). Abakan: Sovetskaya ^akasiya, 1948, 109 p. (in Russ).
Список литературы
Вадецкая Э.Б. Таштыкская эпоха в древней истории Сибири. - СПб.: Петербургское востоковедение, 1999. - 440 с.
Готлиб А.И. Специфические черты погребальной обрядности таштыкского грунтового могильника Абака-но-Перевоз // Актуальные проблемы исторического краеведения в Сибири. - Абакан: Изд-во Хакас. гос. ун-та, 2008. - С. 40-45.
Евтюхова Л.А. Археологические памятники енисейских кыргызов (хакасов). - Абакан: Советская Хакасия, 1948. - 109 с.