The 20 m2 area was excavated at Rock Tung-7 site in 2017. All cores could be divided into two groups: radial-type cores and cores for shortened removals. Cores for shortened removals are represented by single-platform (cortex) single-front cores, double-alternative-platforms - double-adjacent-fronts cores, and double-adjacent-platforms - double-adjacent-fronts core. Tools include hand axe-like and chopping-like artifacts, as well as notched and scraper-like instruments. The technical and typological characteristics of lithic industry and position of the artifacts in the weathering ground deposits make it possible to suggest a relatively ancient, possibly Early Paleolithic age of the site.
Vietnam, Rock Tung-7, Early Paleolithic, radial-type cores, cores for shortened removals, hand axe and chopping-like tools
Derevianko A.P.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Gladyshev S.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Nguyen Ziang Hai
Institute of Archaeology VASS
Nguyen Gia Doi
Institute of Archaeology VASS
Nguyen Khak Su
Institute of Archaeology VASS
Kandyba A.V.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Chekha A.M.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Tsybankov A.A.
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS
Nguyen Anh Tuan
Institute of Archaeology VASS
Phang Thanh Toan
Institute of Archaeology VASS
Derevianko A.P., Tsybankov A.A., Nguyen Ziang Hai, Nguyen Gia Doi, Nguyen Khak Su, Kandyba A.V., Gladyshev S.A., Chekha A.M., Nguyen Anh Tuan, Phang Thanh Toan. Predvaritel’nye itogi raskopok mestonakhozhdenii Rok Tung-1 i Rok Tung-4 vo V’etname. In Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories. Novosibirsk: IAET SB RAS Publ., 2016, vol. XXII, pp. 63-67 (in Russ.).
Derevianko A.P., Su N.Kh., Tsybankov A.A., Doi N.G. The origin of bifacial industry in East and Southeast Asia. Novosibirsk: IAET SB RАS Publ., 2016, 74 p.
Список литературы
Деревянко А.П., Цыбанков А. А., Нгуен Зианг Хай, Нгуен За Дой, Нгуен Кхак Шу, Кандыба А.В., Гладышев С.А., Чеха А.М., Нгуен Ань Тоан, Фань Тхан Туан. Предварительные итоги раскопок местонахождений Роктынг-1 и Роктынг-4 во Вьетнаме // Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий. - Новосибирск: Изд-во ИАЭТ СО РАН, 2016. - Т. XXII. - С. 63-67.
Деревянко А.П., Шу Н.К., Цыбанков А.А., Дой Н.З. Возникновение бифасиальной индустрии в Восточной и Юго-Восточной Азии. - Новосибирск: Изд-во ИАЭТ СО РАН, 2016. - 74 с.